Mr Kipling Manor House Cake

Mr Kipling Manor House Cake

Mr Kipling Manor House Cake 390g (Serves 6)

Sponge cake baked with sultanas (19%), sprinkled with demarara sugar

Mr Kipling manor house cake

Sponge cake baked with sultanas


452 g

Health Score


Net Contents

390g ℮

Package Dimensions
Height: 14 cm
Width: 14 cm
Depth: 7 cm
More Details
  • Mr Kipling Manor House Cake 390g (Serves 6)
  • Sponge Cake Baked with Sultanas (19%), Sprinkled with Demarara Sugar.
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  • @mrkiplingcakes
  • Mr Kipling's Manor House cake is a melt-in-the-mouth, golden sponge cake that's baked with juicy sultanas and dusted with demerara sugar. This traditional sponge cake serves eight, making it a delicious and convenient go-to for family desserts, get-togethers with friends or taking into the office for celebrations with colleagues. The rich flavours pair perfectly with ice cream or even yoghurt for dessert, or you can simply take a slice to enjoy with a cup of tea in the afternoon. Plus, this cake is suitable for vegetarians and ready to serve, so it's a simple and convenient treat for everyone to enjoy when friends are coming over. It's the little things that mean the most, like an exceedingly good cake from Mr Kipling!
  • It's the little things that mean the most like an exceedingly good cake from Mr Kipling.
  • Mr Kipling Manor House Cake
  • Sponge cake baked with sultanas
  • 100% natural flavours
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • Serves 8 – a delicious and convenient dessert
  • Pack size: 390g
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