Dragon Mould Remover And Cleaner 3 In 1

Dragon Mould Remover And Cleaner 3 In 1

Surface biocide for amateur use against mould and fungi on internal surfaces such as walls

Dragon Mould Remover And Cleaner 3 In 1


557 g

Package Dimensions
Height: 25 cm
Width: 11 cm
Depth: 5 cm
More Details
  • Dragon Mould Remover And Cleaner 3 In 1
  • - Removes and protects
  • - From re-growth
  • - Indoor
  • Surface biocide for amateur use against mould and fungi on internal surfaces such as walls. The product is intended to combat and protect against mold and fungi that occur on walls and plasters exposed to high humidity, in conditions of no exposure to scouring.
  • Keep away from treated surfaces until dry. Do not contaminate foodstuffs, eating utensils or food contact surfaces. Keep in a safe place. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Wash hands and exposed skin before meals and after use. To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use. For use only as a Surface biocide.
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